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Please add expiration date to posts

Hi there Divas-


RD is a place where we like to support our members, however, this board is not here for people to drop in purely to promote their work. If you would like to post something to promote a current or upcoming release, your blog, book cover, your business (writing-related or not), book review, or conduct a workshop/chat, you MUST have a minimum of 100 posts. We feel this is only fair to members of RD who genuinely love this site and are not just looking for free promotional opportunities. In addition, you must continue to be a regularly participating member on the forum. If you post only promo after reaching the required 100 posts, your promo posts will be deleted.


And when you do post, you MUST include the date of the event you're posting in the topic line of the post so the moderators don't have to click into everything each week to check for expired dates before pruning!

Thank you!

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